“I do want to say a big thank you for your brilliant work on the launch of Paddock Wood. The press exposure really surpassed expectations, and generated lots of interest in Auto22 following this. You did a great job, and I am so grateful.”

- Richard Mayhew, Managing Director, Catch22 Social Enterprise

Media Relations

Every company or business person has an interesting story to tell about their services or products. The key is to identify a story that will be of interest to the media outlet you want to target – and, most importantly, to its readers, viewers or listeners.

There are numerous opportunities to secure coverage in your local newspapers throughout the UK. Maybe you are starting up a new business, have a new product, can talk about your expertise in a particular area, have a special offer, you are staging an event or you are doing a local CSR/charity initiative. Read your local newspapers and discover what is of interest to its readers, make contact with the journalists and develop a relationship with them.

Local radio and tv are always looking for stories with a local angle, you just have to research the right programmes and find out who are the best people to talk to.

There are hundreds of thousands of publications in the UK, especially those covering every trade and product. It’s the same technique for getting coverage in the outlet that will bring you to the attention of your target market. Know your audience and have a story to tell.

National media is more of a challenge and may not be relevant to your business. However, if it is, take the time to research your target media and make contact with the journalists who you think would be interested in what you have to tell them. It will help you if you read the newspapers where you’d like to see your coverage and likewise listen to the radio programmes and watch the relevant tv programmes. This way, when you talk to them you’ll be speaking their language.

If you want to find out more about how we get our clients in the media, click here.